Monday, 23 May 2011

Available Treatments Of Chrones Disease

Chrones disease is a disorder in which the bowel system becomes inflamed and damage is often done as a result.  The exact reasoning is unclear as to why, but the body’s immune system seems to react abundantly to a portion of the digestive tract that is actually quite healthy.  As the area is pumped with white blood cells in preparation to fight a nonexistent enemy, it becomes inflamed.  This inflammation allows the tissue to become damaged as stool passes through the digestive system.

There are several courses of treatment available for chrones disease, which typically fall into one of two categories: medication therapy or surgery.  Of course, surgery is self-explanatory – when an area becomes damaged excessively, it may be necessary to remove the portion of bowel to prevent a blockage or to remove an existing blockage.  However, medication therapy is used considerably more.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to reduce the swelling of the tissue in the digestive system.  Unfortunately, many of these have horrendous side effects, such as vomiting and severe headaches.  Sulfasalazine, Mesalamine, and Corticosteroids are examples of medication often used to control inflammation in the bowels.

The immune system overreacting is the cause for the inflammation of the bowel walls.  For this reason, some doctors will use a course of treatment that involves repressing the immune system to stop the problem before it starts.  However, this does not come without side effects.  Whenever you suppress the immune system, you open your body up to be attacked.  Even a common cold could be a problem with no immune system to fight it off.  Some of these medications also cause high blood pressure, liver damage, and other complications.

Another option is the use of antibiotics.  These are used to lessen inflammation and to eliminate any infection that arises.  Also common are medications that simply treat symptoms of chrones disease.  Laxatives or anti-diarrhea medications are often used to provide some relief.  Similarly, pain relievers are sometimes effective in controlling stomach cramping. Because chrones disease patients often have nutritional deficiencies from not being able to properly absorb food, they may also need vitamins and other supplements.

While some of the treatments for chrones disease come with complications and side effects, many patients prefer to live with those consequences as opposed to having the disorder disrupt their lives.  The important thing is for patients to remember there is treatment available and they do not have to suffer forever.

An Overview Of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects cells of the body. Cells are extremely small units that build together and form all living things, which include human beings. In any given person’s body, you will find billions of cells.

Cancer occurs when unusual and abnormal cells grow and spread very quickly. Normal cells in the body divide, grow to a certain size and then stop. Over the course of time, cells will even die. Cancer cells do not follow this normal pattern of division and growth, however. They divide very quickly and just continue to grow. Normally, cancer cells do not die and they clump together in groups to form what are called tumors.

The cancer cells in a tumor can damage and destroy surrounding healthy body tissues. When these healthy tissues are damaged and destroyed, the person with the tumor can become very sick.

Cancer is capable to spreading to other parts of the body, as well. It is not unusual for part of a tumor to break off and travel to a distant area. Once that piece of the tumor comes to a stop in another area of the body, it will continue to grow and can create a new tumor. When cancer spreads like this, it is called metastasis.

When in the body, cancer can cause a person to feel very sick. Since early detection is a big factor in treatment, it is good to be aware of the signs of this disease. Some signs of cancer include:

· A lump in the breast or testicles
· A change in the skin, a wart or a mole
· Persistent sore throat that doesn’t heal
· A significant change in bladder and bowel movements
· Coughing blood or a persistent cough that won’t stop
· Indigestion and trouble swallowing
· Unusual bleeding or vaginal discharge
· Chronic fatigue

Many of these symptoms can be from other illnesses which are not as serious as cancer. However, if you are ever faced with any of the symptoms above, it might be a good idea to see your family physician right away. Although the exact cause of cancer is still somewhat of a mystery, it is known that cancer is not contagious. You cannot catch cancer like you can the common cold. Unhealthy habits like smoking and excess drinking can increase your chances of getting cancer, but doctors aren’t sure why some people get this serious disease and others do not.

Alzheimer's Toxin May Be Key To Slowing Disease

Australian scientists say they have identified a toxin which plays a key role in the onset of Alzheimer's, raising hope that a drug targeting the toxin could be developed to slow the degenerative brain disease.

The toxin, called quinolinic acid, kills nerve cells in the brain, leading to dysfunction and death, the scientists said.

"Quinolinic acid may not be the cause of Alzheimer's disease, but it plays a key role in its progression," Alzheimer's researcher Dr Karen Cullen from the University of Sydney said in a statement. "It's the smoking gun, if you like."

"While we won't be able to prevent people from getting Alzheimer's disease, we may eventually, with the use of drugs, be able to slow down the progression."

Alzheimer's is a brain-destroying disease that affects millions of people around the world. As the population gets steadily older, experts estimate numbers will balloon to as many as 16 million in the United States alone by 2015.

More than 200,000 people have Alzheimer's disease in Australia and the number is expected to rise to 730,000 by 2050.

Outward symptoms start with memory loss, which progresses to complete helplessness as brain cells are destroyed. In the brain, neurons die as messy plaques and tangles of protein form.

The Alzheimer's research team from Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital, the University of Sydney and Japan's Hokkaido University found quinolinic acid neurotoxicity in the brains of dementia patients.

Quinolinic acid is part of a biochemical pathway called the kynurenine pathway which is also found in other brain disorders, including Huntington's disease and schizophrenia.

The scientists said there were several drugs in an advanced stage of development for other conditions which targeted this pathway and that these drugs, which still need to be tested, could be used to complement other treatments for Alzheimer's.

Alcoholism and it's physical attributes

Alcoholism disease and alcoholism physical symptoms should be understood if there's concern about alcohol abuse. Alcoholism disease can be defined as a drug addiction where alcohol consumption is at a level that interferes with the person's physical and mental health and negatively impacts family, social or work responsibilities.

Because alcohol consumption can involve many organs in the body, long-term heavy drinking puts a person at risk for developing serious health conditions and illnesses. While each of the health conditions listed below can exist for reasons unrelated to alcoholism disease, certain conditions and alcoholism physical symptoms may be indications that alcohol abuse exists and is affecting the health of the person.

Here are examples of health conditions and related alcoholism physical symptoms that may indicate alcoholism disease:

• Liver Inflammation - alcoholism physical symptoms for liver inflammation include abnormal yellowing of the skin, eyeballs and urine, fever and abdominal pain. Since alcohol destroys liver cells and the ability of the liver to regenerate new cells, long term abuse of alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

• Cirrhosis of the Liver - symptoms of cirrhosis or scarring of the liver tissue can be tiredness or even exhaustion, nausea, loss of sex drive and appetite loss leading to weight loss.

• Malnutrition - a common alcoholism physical symptom is malnutrition. While the symptoms will vary with the specific malnutrition-related disorder, general symptoms include dizziness, tireness, unexplained weight loss and reduced immune system function.

• High Blood Pressure - high blood pressure symptoms include dizziness, headache, blurred vision and nausea. And the American Heart Association advises that excessive alcohol consumption can raise levels of triglycerides in the blood and related increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

• Pancreaitis - long term heavy drinking can result in the development of inflammation of the pancreas which is called 'pancreatitis'. The pancreas are needed for food digestion, and pancreaitis symptoms include severe abdominal pain and weight loss.

• Erectile Dysfunction - alcoholism disease will likely affect a man in the bedroom. Heavy drinking can cause sexual dysfunction, meaning the man may have difficulty getting an erection. And the likelihood of alcohol-related erectile dysfunction occurring increases as a man gets older.

• Insomnia - the connection between sleep problems and disturbances and alcohol abuse has been proven by numerous studies. Alcohol in the body can interfere with getting to sleep and with enjoying deep, restful sleep. In fact, insomnia may continue for weeks or months after alcohol abstinance.

Additional long term alcoholism disease health effects include damage to the brain, nerve damage, bleeding in the esophagus and depression. Alcohol consumption can increase the breast cancer risk in women undergoing hormone replacement therapy, according to the National Cancer Institute. Alcoholic beverages are considered cancer-causing by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Important note - all of the conditions listed above may be due to reasons other than alcoholism disease and must not be considered conditions that should be self-diagnosed. Most of these conditions can be life-threatening and should only be diagnosed by qualified health care professionals.

Besides alcoholism physical symptoms, learn more about the alcoholism warning signs, alcoholism stages and proven resources available online that can help. It is never too late to begin recovery from alcoholism disease and alcohol addiction.

Acne As A Teen Disease

Acne is one of the major problems teenagers face, it is something that, in some conditions, may have a devastating effect on their social life, self esteem and mental health. The acne condition can range from mild to severe, and in some cases is very difficult to treat and decrease. In addition to acne being a skin condition that is, to say the least, unpleasant, it also have social and emotional effect. This effect carries with it a multitude of psychological issues that change teens lives in different ways.

When thinking back I remember my acne problem and very clearly remember that my friends and peers were not much of a help to me at those times. Society seems to react to this skin condition in the worst possible way, when the spirit of the teenager is at its most delicate phase. This is a prime reason to why many teens try and avoid social events, situation where they might be in danger of embracement over a skin condition on which they seemingly have no control.

One big problem is that some people do not understand the acne problem for the mere reason that they never suffered from it, obviously this creates a terrible situation where the teen is not only ridiculed for the acne he suffers from, he gets this from others that very clearly do not have the problem. In more recent years, however, the problems faced by those who suffer from acne are being more widely addressed, and the social and psychological effects being studied more closely.

Some will say that the problem is our society and the norms it sets, the definition of beauty or of health in certain ages and in certain cultures. In a society where so much importance is placed on appearance and complying to the "norm", higher standards have been set concerning what people do and don't accept. In the defining phase of his life, the teenager is extremely exposed to these social agreements and this creates problems with the understanding of the limits to improvement and the shame that follows lack of improvement. For teens this very important and sometimes even seem crucial. Many teenagers slowly get used to what other teenagers say about them and within a short period of time become very critical of their appearance and social possibilities, it is of course ridicules that a young man will judge himself for having a skin condition but this actually happens and even more, some teens begin to develop inner hate towards themselves – because of this social pressure.

The best solution for explaining and combating acne and its social implications, it is recommended that a parent or a guide of some sort will explain to the teen that acne is caused by many different things, many factors contribute to the development of acne. In teens it is believed that hormones are the primary reason, hormones cause the body to produce excess oil, which in turn clogs pores and causes pimples. This kind of situation can be solved by regular acne treatment. The parent should also explain that eating certain foods and the way you clean your face also has little to do with the development of acne, reassuring the teen at this point is very important as he is very likely to be bombarded with exaggerated acne urban tales that create a feeling like everything the teen is doing is the cause of the acne, as if it was a curse he couldn’t shake.

Acid Reflux Disease - The Pharmaceutical Hoax!

The medical community would have you believe that only drugs can treat and heal acid reflux disease.  This is simply not true - there are natural ways to heal this condition.   PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), like Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid and Protonix should only be be taken for eight weeks, at most.  Doctors are aware of this, but most patients continue to take these drugs on a permanent basis.  Unfortunately, there are no studies determining what the long term effects of these drugs are on the human body.

PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest food.  You have to wonder how the human body digests and assimilates food properly without stomach acid.  How does a body remain healthy without the proper digestion of food?  Is this natural?

I used to suffer from acute acid reflux.  I was addicted to a PPI drug…..that certain “colored pill”.  After several years of taking this drug, my condition became worse and I was told to double the dose.  I began to feel sluggish and tired.  My vision suffered and my blood pressure went off the charts.  I realized that these were probably side effects of the PPI drug.  I did some research and found that there were hundreds of possible harmful side effects, including:
Headache, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, dry mouth, aggravated
constipation, enlarged abdomen, back pain, chest pain, anemia, allergic
reaction, hypertension, tachycardia, goiter, tinnitus, facial edema, conjunctivitis, vision abnormal, aggravated depression, dizziness,
hypertonia, nervousness, cystitis, insomnia, migraine, anorexia, acne,
dermatitis, glycosuria, hyperuricemia, hyponatremia, arthritis aggravated,
tongue edema, ulcerative stomatitis, impotence, insomnia, to name a few.

I mean, who needs tongue edema, impotence or aggravated constipation?  Good God!  I knew that I had to stop taking this drug!  But when I tried, the acid pumps, which had been shut off for so long, went wild and produced more acid than ever before.   I have never suffered so much in my life….even drinking water gave me severe indigestion.  My doctor suggested that I get back on the pill.  He had no other advice to offer.

I became determined to beat this dreadful condition - beat the curse of the big drug companies!   I really had no choice, because medical science, apparently, had no solution for my problem.  I began extensive research on the subject and found out some very interesting things.
Acid reflux is big business.  It’s a drug company’s dream come true.  Millions of  Americans suffer from acid reflux.  Many millions more experience the pain of  heartburn, ranging from once a month to every day.  This affliction is the result of the splashing up of fluids from the stomach into the esophagus. These fluids are composed of hydrochloric acid,  pepsin and occasionally liver bile. Stomach fluid helps break down the food we eat so that it can be digested. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach fluid helps prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying in the stomach and intestines. Although hydrochloric acid also helps the body absorb vitamins and nutrients, it is a very strong corrosive. The stomach holds this powerful acid in check with a special protective lining. The esophagus, however, does not have this protection.  When acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter into the esophagus,  we have the problems of heartburn, gerd, or acid reflux.  This condition, if left unchecked, can eventually lead to Barrett’s Disease, or cancer of the esophagus.

Of course, I found all this to be quite scary and, since drugs were not the answer for me, I had to find alternative ways to treat this condition.  I researched the subject even further and found a plethora of natural things that could heal acid reflux.  First of all, I learned that acid reflux is not a disease, but a condition that begins when the esophagus becomes irritated.  Let’s say that you are watching an exciting ball game on TV.  Someone hands you a bag of corn chips and without thinking, you eat them too fast, without chewing  properly.  The jagged edges of the chips have caused little lacerations in the esophagus that you’re not even aware of.  Later that evening you are invited to a Mexican chili party.  The spicy tomato sauce in the chili further irritates those injuries.  You wash down the chili with alcohol or soda, making it even worse.  Before you know it, you have a full blown case of acid reflux.  Until you allow your esophagus to heal, you will continue to suffer from this condition.

I was astounded to find that the esophagus can be healed in about three days.  Simply eating  foods that are easy to digest, three or four times during the day, and omitting the regular big meals, is the key.  I ate fruits like bananas, melon and apples during the day.  I  snacked on walnuts and almonds.  I found that eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere and chewing food well helped  enormously. There are foods and drinks which should obviously be avoided like those which are fried, spicy, or too crunchy.   Alcohol and carbonated drinks are a definite no-no .  We are all aware of which foods trigger our indigestion.  You just have to avoid them for a few days until you are over the hump.

There are many natural herbs and health store items which can assist in this healing process.  Slippery elm, Twig tea, aloe vera juice, licorice products and orange peel extract can be of great value, just to mention a few.  Removing stress from your life is essential during this period.  Yoga and meditation are worth considering to ward off the daily angst.

I managed to stop taking those harmful and expensive drugs, in favor of natural remedies.  I cured my acid reflux condition.  I am drug free.  You can do it too.

A List Of Common Fish Diseases And Their Symptoms

1. Bacterial Diseases in Fish

Bacteria are a very common cause of complaint for fish breeders. There are many bacterial diseases in fish caused due to pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria can either attack the fish externally, or can enter into the body of the fish through the skin and can damage internal organs, even leading to death. Fin rot and bacterial gill disease are the most common bacterial attacks in fishes, in which the fins and the gills are infected respectively. If the bacteria have managed to gain entry into the body, it is known as systemic infection. Bacteria can also cause ulcers and lesions on the body of the fish. Bacterial infections are easily apparent externally as ulcerous marks or red irritations on the skin of the fish. Bacterial infections are very common in koi fish.

2. Fish Lice

Fish lice are scientifically termed as argulus, and being about a centimeter in size, they are among the largest parasites found in the animal world. They are very detrimental to the health of the fish, because they can suck out the fluids from the body of the fluids by clamping their proboscis like mouth into the bodies of the fish.

Lice are easily to identify on the bodies of the fish because they are clearly visible. However, it is necessary to carry a careful inspection of the body of the fish, especially in the hidden areas behind the fins. Lice may appear as dark spots when they are not moving. If there are too many lice, the fish will be quite agitated and will move their body a lot.

3. Flukes in Fish

Flukes are parasites in fish that are harmless in small numbers, but can be fatal to the fish in large numbers. Flukes are small, about 2 mm in length, and are almost invisible to the naked human eye. But these flukes have hooks through which they clamp to the bodies of the fish. Flukes can suck out the body fluids from the fish and even cause their death. The significant threat from flukes is that one fluke requires only one fish to complete its lifecycle, and therefore there is more reason why the fluke will remain clamped to the fish. Flukes have been considered to be the most difficult of the fish parasites to treat, though treatments with malachite and formalin often show positive results in stronger doses.

4. Ich

Commonly known as ich, ichthyobodo or costia is a very common parasite that is found on the bodies of fish. Several fish can live with this parasite showing no signs at all. In fact, in small numbers, ich is harmless. The defenses of the fish can keep the number of ich under control. But when fish suffer from some other disease, the defenses are broken and then ich begins to multiply. Ich can multiply at a very fast rate. In no time, the fish will show a large amount of ich on its body, its breathing will become labored and shortly, it will retreat and isolate itself from the other fish. When this stage arrives, ich often proves fatal to the fish.